Child Support Deduction from Nevada Work Comp Benefits

By Jason Weinstock on January 21, 2014

Workers’ compensation benefits, including final settlement awards, called permanent partial disability awards, are generally not subject to assignments or garnishments, and are not subject to attorneys liens or medical provider liens. See NRS 616C.205. The one major exception to that general rule is that the statute does allow for payment of past due child support obligations under NRS 31A.150 and 31A.330. If a claimant is subject to a court order for the a payment of past due amounts, the adjuster must withhold an amount equal to 25% of the amount to be paid. An adjuster who is served with an out-of-state child suppport judgment will honor an order.

Most attorneys ask at the time you retain the attorney whether you have any outstanding child support judgments against you, because the contingency attorney fee charged by the attorney will be based on what the award should have been without the child support payment.

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